My heart...
Feels like it's been ripped out...
I don't get it.
What I want I can't have, and what I thought I could have is too painful to chase.
Hope ... it's a weird thing for me. I think I have a handle on my emotions, and I think I'm being rational and smart about where I put my feelings and affections ... but something just happened ... a talk ... a seemingly innocent conversation ... and by my tearful reaction I can tell I wanted more than my brain and heart thought I really wanted ... thought I could handle whatever was discussed ... apparently not.
Apparently not.
What am I doing wrong?
Why is this so hard?
I just want these feelings to stop ... to go away ... to be gone so that I can truly live without fear ... without holding back ... without lack of desire ... without this hole in my soul.
Make it go away.
That's all I ask.
That's all I ever ask.