Thursday, January 26, 2006

Miami, Here I Come!!

Thanks for all the well-wishes!

I am SO excited!

I have no idea what to expect once I get there, but I'm set on having a blast no matter what! :-)


Take care. Be well! :-)

Thoughts While Brushing My Teeth

I have a lot of random thoughts while getting ready for bed, some funny, some not so funny. More specifically, these thoughts usually occur while I am brushing my teeth. It's weird. This happens a lot. Tonight's thought was not so funny. :-(

As I was brushing my teeth this evening, I just really wanted my dad here. I wanted him here to share in all of this. I was trying to think how he'd feel about me running this event, and whether or not he'd be proud of it. And honestly, I don't know what his view on all of it would have been. Some things I know without a doubt what he'd say or what he'd think, but for the life of me I don't know about this one at all. It's hard to explain. This stuff wasn't part of his generation or culture, so the value of doing something like this may have just been an 'eh' in his eyes. I don't know. I just really wanted him here. All I could think of to do was say, "I miss you, Daddy. I love you." I had a bit of a cry, and with that I finished getting ready for bed.


Early Morning Thoughts

Almost 2:30AM.

Kinda tired, kinda not.

I'm psyched about Miami!! I leave tomorrow afternoon. Trying to pack and finish up laundry. Yeah, don't ask about the laundry. *sigh*

I had a moment in the bathroom. I said moment, NOT movement. Sheesh... :-P

Umm...I might post those thoughts at a later date, I might not. It's saved as a draft for the time being.

I may not sleep at this point. I am not even close to being finished with the packing. Ack.

I'm really looking forward to all of this. I'm just trying to get through this evening and tomorrow morning. It all still seems so surreal. I know all my emotions and feelings will take on a new dimension once I arrive in Miami.

Will post again before I leave. :-)

Love ya'all!

Sweet dreams!

- Rambling Muse

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