Monday, July 24, 2006


I'm still here!

I went on blog vacation, so to speak. I got tired of blogger being down for maintenance and being somewhat flakey, so I did some blog shopping.

I had this grand idea to redesign my blog on blogger, and then it grew from there. Quite a few fellow bloggers have/are migrating to Wordpress (another blogging site), so I decided to check it out and have been playing around with it for a few days now.

You can check out my new blog at:

Let me know what you think.

The only real negative is that anyone who wants to leave a comment needs to enter an email address, and I know that something like that would cause me to think twice about posting. That can be good thing, 'tho.

Gimme your feedback...polls will close at the end of the month. ;-)

Happy blogging!

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