For 'M'. Thank You!!
Red is for 'M'.
I just spent the last 15 minutes updating my blog site thanks to M's email with the instructions for editing the sidebar. She's cooler than cool! She's the coolest! Rah Rah! Yay!
I sometimes think back on how she and I met and I must say, it's circumstances like those that have no explanation except for divine intervention. She may be somewhat of a skeptic and cynical when we talk about it, but I think somewhere deep down she acknowledges that the coincidences and circumstances behind our meeting are too random to be random (yes, you read that correctly) and that sometimes in the midst of the life choices we make during those critical junctures in life, some of the best friendships are forged.
I'm really honored that she chose to share with me the things that she has. During those moments she may not have realized it was a choice to share, or did she? Whichever the case, be it a decision or be it a reaction to her circumstances, out of all the people we come across in the world, her life path has intersected with mine. How long this is to be is unknown. All I know is that she has left an imprint on my heart, regardless of the paths our future may take us.
So, M, I thank you for adding more depth to my life journey. May you come to believe and see yourself in all the wonderful ways that I do. :-)