I can't rember how it starts, but it takes place in my old childhood church, which really isn't a church in my dream. It's supposed to be a dormitory of some sort. My ex and I are in my room, and I think we're either sleeping or just laying in the same bed and talking. Some time late into the night we decide to go get some food, so we venture out. The campus is desolate, which is expected, so we go to his car and drive to some restaurant. The weird thing is, a very vivid part of my dream is "hearing" the gravel-crunching sound beneath my feet as we are walking in my dream. I also take his hand and walk close to him. It's hard to describe, but the way I took his hand and walked next to him was like I used to when we were dating.
So we get back to the dorm and it's very, very late. For some reason we don't go back to my part of the dorm (the community hall part of the church) and instead we go into a friend's dorm (the church office/choir room of the church) because I know she's away on vacation. It's tricky because it's late, and it's an all-girls part of the dorm, so we have to be very quiet going in because as soon as you enter, across the hall is the RA (resident assistance/dorm monitor person's) room. Her door is not completely closed, it's like one of those double sets of doors in a store or restaurant where you enter one set, then enter another set. For some reason, one side of the first set of doors is propped open, but you need to venture in a bit more to see if the second set of doors is open or closed. We don't venture in and just know that because the first set of doors is open, it's more likely she can hear stuff going on in the hallway. So we are really quiet, 'cuz next door to her room is the community bathroom.
The bathroom is set up where you go up a few steps, then you have to take a narrow spiraling staircase downwards. It reminds me of stairs you find in Europe, like the set of steps you climb when going up to the toppest (most top part - ha ha) of the Leaning Tower. Yes, quite narrow. What's funny is that at the beginning of this descent into the bathroom, my ex starts to pee. His back is facing the stairs, he's facing the outer wall of the staircase. Since I followed him into the bathroom, I have walk by him. I kind of laugh to myself, but it's not unusual in my dream since that is the way the bathroom is designed. I had laughed more in an endearing way towards him, than the fact that he was peeing in this bathroom. :-\ So as I squeeze past him on the stairs, I give him a kiss on the neck, go down a few more steps, where I go do my thing.
As I finish and go to exit the bathroom, he's now at the sink getting ready to brush his teeth. I say to him, "Oh, darn. I should've brought my toothbrush." I exit the bathroom and go into my friend's dorm bedroom, which also has a sink. My ex comes in and says I can borrow his toothbrush, so I do. We're still trying to be very quiet and not wake up anyone, and we're doing all of this in the dark. So I take his toothbrush, and say how I don't have toothpaste, but he had already put some on there when he handed it to me. He points that out to me and we spend a moment or two waving the wonderful toothbrush with toothpaste in the air (don't ask. ha ha). I brush my teeth, then hand him the toothbrush, which he puts away. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm wondering where his toothbrush came from, like does he always carry one around or what?
Then we are outside, out front, (in the open air) of my friend's dorm room. We hug each other and say our goodnights. He goes off to my dorm room, which is "across campus" and I go to sleep in my friend's room. This is the part that gets fuzzy. I can't tell if in my dream I am tossing and turning, or if in reality I'm tossing and turning. Hmm...?
Anyway, so early, early morning comes around and I get up suddenly and go, "Duh...why didn't I go spend the night with the ex in my room?" So I get up to head over to my room, still being quiet, I enter the hallway. In the RA's room I hear the tv. Some morning show is just starting to play their wake up theme. It's some show like "Good Morning America" or "Today".
As I open the door to exit the building, there's some lady who obviously was waiting for the locked building to open up. You all remember how you had to be a resident with keys to get access, right? She looked like she had camped out the night before. Anyway, she gets up and asks if she can come in. Technically it's still too early for the building to be unlocked (like normal business hours), but I let her in. Then she's all grateful and says that when I come back she'll gladly return the favor and open the door for me. I tell her it's not necessary and that I'll just let myself back in. I pop the lock, turn the knob to check and make sure it's unlocked from the outside, and shut the door behind me. She goes in the opposite direction of my friend's room, down the hall and up some stairs.
So I head "across" campus to get to my dorm room, which is now a restaurant/dining place. There are early birds seated outside waiting for/eating breakfast. The lady I had let into the building had walked through the building and was sitting down and opening up a paper. I saw her through the window from outside. I enter the eating area, all eager to see my ex, and I find him sitting at a table with this Japanese guy. For some reason I think it was Taka. Taka is some guy (in real life) I had met over the weekend at a bbq I went to. My ex is facing me wearing this orange polo he used to always wear, tan/whiteish shorts, and a messenger bag (yeah, I remember LOTS of details in my dreams) slung across his body. Taka's back is toward me, he's wearing a black shirt and jeans. I go up to the table, and happily and cheerfully say, "Hi!". My ex looks up and gives me this sheepish smile he used to always give me, and Taka turns over his left shoulder to see me. It's one of those moments where I wasn't sure if I should have hugged or kissed my ex, or just keep my distance. You know, not sure about the appropriateness of public displays of affection.
Neither of them say anything to me. They go on to finish their convo, then both stand up. My ex then turns his back towards me and starts to talk to two guys who had been sitting at the other table, but are also now standing up and getting ready to leave. I'm awkwardly standing there with Taka. I know I can make small talk, but I don't. Taka keeps looking at me, but because I'm not saying anything, his body language is like, "OooooK. Well...umm...yeah."
I think there's more that I forget, but somewhere around now I wake up with a jolt. Not sure why. But I was wide awake, unsure if a lot of the tossing and turning in my dream was really in my dream or if I was tossing and turning in reality. I think I was restless in reality, but I don't know. Now I'm wide awake and posting.
Anyone got some dream interpretations for me? I'm gonna search a bit on this online dream dictionary I've got bookmarked, but anyone's comments are welcome.
5:30AM now. It's gonna be a long day.