Needs Versus Wants
Was talking to a gal pal tonight about nothing in particular when something in our conversation brought up a thought in my mind.
We all have a tendency to think we know what we want in a partner, but that's exactly it. It's a "want". It's an idea - an illusion - of what we think we need when, in reality, the things we need are so innate in us that sometimes we don't even realize what it is we 'need' until we've found it.
And so here I am, back to square one about my thoughts on finding my life partner. I realized that you'll never find "the one" until you give up your own conceived notion of 'the one' and accept that 'the one' exists, but your idea of them may or may not conflict with the reality of their actual existence. This, and the fact that I truly believe you need to trust that when you find it, you'll know it. Yes, it may be discouraging going on dates and meeting people and increasing your probability or to be enjoying your life but not finding suitable people to date, but I firmly believe that too much thought and too much work in a relationship is just that. Too much. I'm not saying everything comes easy, but I firmly believe that there are just some things that will flow when the right person is found. I need to trust that will happen. And to believe that the moment is near, within my reach, within my grasp.
The question is, will I be aware enough to know that by "holding out for the one" I may be limiting my actualization that "the other" is truly what I need?