Sunday, December 11, 2005


Just got back from a day hanging out with friends. We baked a gazillion cookies, so anyone who has a hankering for baked goods can come on by and grab a few, or a few dozen. I kid you not. Call me Ms. Fields. I can set up shop and have a bake sale. Yum!

Settling in for the evening. I caught a show about a sailing regatta. Oh, how I LOVE sailing! The wind, the sails, the challenge of you against the elements! It's such a different feel and challenge than analyzing numbers and other mental challenges. If any of you have never tried it, take lessons at your local yacht club. Try out the 15-footer, 2-sail boats. Looking forward to my next set of lessons!



Someday I'll own my own boat(s). I'd love to sail the Greek Isles someday. Any takers?? :-)


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