Friday, December 09, 2005

Rise And Shine!

I woke up this morning wishing I had someone here to snuggle with. The cold winter months tend to do that to a person, I guess.


The house was freezing and it was SO tough getting out from under my three layers of blankets. Ha ha...SO cozy! :-)

Working from home today. Yay! I love working while still in my pj's. Somehow this situation just cracks me up! To think that I am dealing with millions (and sometimes billions) of dollars in my job while in my pj's, with the laptop in my lap and Oprah on the tv in the background. Ha ha! Too funny!

Some people say working from home is a distraction. For me I find being in the office can have its efficiencies, such as face time, and sometimes system and/or equipment-wise I can run more applications as needed. But at home I am actually more productive because I feel like I am able to take care of personal things (laundry, dishes, car repairs, etc.) while not letting my work suffer.

Dunno...I suppose I've always been the type who just loves to multi-task. Few things will ever hold my attention long enough to concentrate (sailing is one of them), but in general my brain and body are constantly on the go.

But if you were to see me a few years ago...I was quite the opposite. Eh. I kid you not.

Anyway...I feel like making lunch today. Gotta love working from home!


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