Thursday, December 08, 2005


I was looking forward to the Apprentice finale tonight, so I went to the webpage to browse a bit. I got confused for a moment 'cuz it said tonight's episode was 1 hour long and usually the finale is 2 hours. Turns out that the actual finale is NEXT week. Bummer.

Oh, well. My friends and I use it as an excuse to get together anyway, so as long as they are still coming over, I'm happy. I enjoy hosting dinner gatherings and preparing the meal. Hmm....what should I make tonight?? London broil and portobello mushroom sandwiches? Or salmon and veggies? Yay! Dinner par-tay! Woo Hoo...!!

Come on over and pull up a chair! There's always room for one more at my table! :-)

Bon Appetit!


At 10:46 AM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Oh yes. Eastern folks get to see it first...and yes, if I go on the url before the show PST, I get the answer. So I am very careful to avoid all media prior to watching. :-P


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