Monday, December 12, 2005

A Long Night

Went to the gym, only to find that my guy pal was there with a bunch of the interns in his group. It's always weird to me to go into the gym at work and find good friends there. I usually don't mind running into them, but today I just wanted to do my thing and not feel the need to chat a bit. But all of his group was there, and I am good friends with most of them so I spent more time catching up than I did working out.

These guys are a riot, as they are pretty young (mid 20's) and just hang out and do random things together like poker nights, wine tasting and snowboarding. They are a lot of fun to hang out with, but they sure are immature!

After the gym I went into the office to get some work done, and then I got sidetracked with the travel details for my Miami trip in January. Since I left for vacation, I missed some of the major deadlines for securing transportation and hotel accomodations, and have been scrambling trying to get all that paperwork done and sent in and accepted late through the graciousness of the staff at the foundation I am running for. They've been more than accomodating with my tardiness, and I am thankful they have not been more firm about adhering to the deadlines.

I'm really looking forward to spending time with my friends out there. Yay!

Ok...I need to do a bit more work before hitting the sack. Ugh.



At 6:57 AM, Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...

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At 6:58 AM, Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...

I look forward to hanging out with you. Don't worry I won't let you have to sleep under any bridges. I got ya covered.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

I think it depends. I much prefer to have someone to yap with while I'm on the treadmill. The rest of the time, yeah, I prefer to be left alone.


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