Saturday, February 18, 2006

More Housekeeping

Ok folks...on the dating topic I decided to get more serious about the 'clutter' surrounding my love life. I went through the phone numbers on my cell phone and deleted all names and numbers of men who are in an 'ambiguous state of being' with me. I did the same to my Yahoo IM list as well.

No more, "I wonder ifs", or hanging out with "questionable friends". You know, the ones where you just "know" aren't going to lead anywhere, but which are a good dates when bored. Or the ones where you know their actions and interests don't really jive with their words. Unless there is secure knowledge of a platonic friendship or a romantic intention, all of these phone numbers and names are now gone. If they want to contact me, well, I'll figure that part out later.

I'm going to choose boredom over the company because, as Whitney Houston so eloquently put it, "I'm saving all my love for you". "You" being the elusive soulmate and life partner. I want our time to be meaningful and purposeful, and I can't be sharing haphazard moments with these guys. I'm all about positive energy and effort that will yield what I want. I'm focused on God and his provisions and that's that. If a man comes along, then God wants me to be ready. I can't be ready and willing if I've got these guys hanging around.

I also am in the process of decluttering and simplifying the tangible stuff in my possession. As I find momentos and reminders of ex boyfriends, they are going into a box to be stored away somewhere out of sight. I want to toss some of that stuff, but THAT step I'm not ready for yet. So the next best thing is to just tuck that stuff away until I'm truly ready to part with those things.

It's all a slow process and patience and latitude are key. Slowly, but surely I things will come together. I know God will do his part if I do mine.



At 7:19 AM, Blogger M. said...

I did a big clean up of people in my life in October, not long after the boy and I got together. I stopped talking to some old "friends" who I realized weren't really friends, but just people who wanted to hang out with the "rich kid" who would pay for everything. I also stopped hanging out with people who I believed had questionable morals, including a friend I had had since eleventh grade. It was hard, but in the end, I think I'm a better person now.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Highlandgal said...

I have to tell my experience the cliche "you'll just know" when you've found the right one is true. And then you'll also know that the wait was worth it.

I'm feeling the need to strip the clutter from my life too now. But my clutter is mostly material. I pared down my friends years ago. I kept the ones who brought something positive to my life. Those that were always negative, who were "takers", or who were only into themselves are now gone.


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