Friday, February 17, 2006

A-ha Moment!

I was going through some notes from previous sermons when I came across something I had written down in December 2005, taken from the sermon, "Life Lessons From The Christmas Story," based on Luke 1: 39-45 (NIV).

#4 on my pastor's list of lessons:

When pregnant with divine purpose, choose your company wisely.

I believe this is where I'm at.

I believe - I know - that I'm on the verge of something bigger that God has in store for me. I feel it. I'm in the midst of it and to try to grasp that with my secular brain is just a silly exercise that can't ever be done. I can't stop talking about it because that deep-rooted knowing is there, at the gut level, and I feel like I'm going to burst from the anticipation of all that is to transpire!

And so, as I sit here, some of these things are becoming clearer to me. The need to simplify, the need to stop all the analyzing, the need to withdraw a bit from my social activities and friends, and the huge thirst and hunger to just rest in God and to meditate on his teachings. And the desire to be around other strong Christians whose faith I can glean from and whose love I can abide in because I know it's rooted in God's Will.

Lesson #4 reverberated within me. All the things and people I associate with are crucial to moving me forward in faith, and while I get caught up in the pettiness, another note from this lesson was, "be careful not to make the circumstances bigger than the promise." And so, I am holding on to God and moving forward. The aches, the pains, the hurt, the tears, the good-byes and the changes - all worth it if it draws me closer to God.

And lesson #6:

Praise and worship are always the right response.

Lesson #6 was especially interesting because as I grow in my faith, I realize those responses are innate in us. As anyone who comes to know the true glory of God, one can't help but praise and give thanks. The last few weeks all of this gratitude was just flowing from me and I still feel it now. There's so much faith in me right now, and still so much more faith that can grow, that hopeful expectancy and eager anticipation of what's to come is the only way I can describe it. It's a sad thing to know that secular words and terms can never truly convey all the great things that God is doing in me and in others.

I love you. I love life. I love this lesson.

Blessings to all,


At 4:51 PM, Blogger Carcass said...

Oh, bugger. Does this mean you are going to stop visiting me?

I don't subscribe to a lot of your personal beliefs, but I think I will impart another one of my personal quotes unto you.

"Faith is only what you make of it, so make it the best there is."

Pretty good, no? Maybe I'm a christian and don't even know it.

And you are still a dove amongst crows :p

At 7:21 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...


You know what the irony is? I relate to your stuff, as bitter and as (sometimes) crude as it is. No way would I stop visiting. You're a good read any day, and even better on a pissy day. ;-)

Maybe this is my problem: I've been so sincere, thoughtful and straight and narrow all my life that I'm just tired of being hurt and used and walked all over. It's happened again recently and who knows what kind of lies said person is spreading now. *sigh*

Thanks for the profound nugget of wisdom. Somewhere deep down inside of you lies a good man. I know it! :-)

Btw, you never did answer the comment about the lactose. So...which is it? Ha ha.

Thanks for stopping by!

At 5:05 AM, Blogger Mrs. G.F. said...

Sometimes you have to go down to come up some more.

Glad your journey is giving you more.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Siesh said...

Hi there,

Thank you for checking out my blog... That thing is pretty neat! I clicked on the link, took the test, and when the test was over it gave me the html code for the result.. Hope that helps!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Carcass said...

Not lactose intolerant. I just love milkshakes, so you're a good thing.


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