Saturday, December 03, 2005


Just finished dinner. Me so happy. Me so full. :-)

It's freezing!! This house is so darn cold!!

Apollo 13 is on tv. I've seen this movie a gazillion times and never really get tired of it. Two other movies on my 'never get tired list' are: Shawshank Redemption and The Sound of Music.

Why Shawshank, you ask? Well, if you see it, you'll know why it's on the list.

Why The Sound of Music? This one is partly due to my childhood. Before VCR's and cable, we'd watch it together as a family when it would air on regular tv. I'd always look forward to it each year. Additionally, if you know me, I'm a sucker for a cheesy storyline. I know the entire movie, line by line, song by song! It never ceases to give me warm fuzzies whenever I watch it. It's almost as good as chicken soup! :-)

Tom Hanks rocks as an actor. Anyone remember him from Bosom Buddies? I sure do. He was hilarious in that show!

Eyes are getting heavy...might head to bed soon as I finish up laundry...


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