Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Book Study

I've been posting a lot lately. My thoughts are constant and I can't process or work through them fast enough to keep up with all the inner growth and awareness that's happening within me.

In case you didn't see my other post, something in me told me I should share my next bible/book study here on blogger. It's a long story as to the significance of this study, but you can read all about that if you really want to in the 'other post' link.

The original book that inspired me to do this bible study was from Vicki's blog, Windows to My Soul. Her post about the book, "The Embrace of The Father" was a timely post for me. She posted it during the time I was revisiting my grief a few weeks ago and, as I've stated before, I no longer believe in "random coincidences." I read that post and immediately went to purchase it. It was too coincidental when I stumbled across her post. However, between the time I ordered the book and now, something was telling me this book wasn't meant for me blog about in the intentional way I had planned. I still read the book and highly recommend it. It's got that "Chicken Soup for the Soul" feel to it, with many wonderful short stories and tidbits for your soul to chew on.

Anyway, my perspective on God and his relationship to me has shifted significantly in the last week while I waited for this book to arrive. I realized the bigger picture was that I needed to grasp the concept that the ultimate Father is God and I need to learn and understand this profound fact if I am to grow in my relationship with Him. I am His chosen daughter and I need to understand how significant that really is.

And so, my dear blog readers, knowing nothing about this author, nor having read any of her previous books, I "stumbled across" this at the Christian bookstore today. I think "my knower" knew this was it. This is the book I'm going with.

"In my Father's House", by Mary Kassian.

You can read more about this book here.

My plan is to read and reflect on one chapter once a week. I'll post my reflections on Sundays in case anyone wants to study or read along with me. :-) Reading will commence on Sunday, June 18 (Father's Day 2006 - how ironically appropriate! Could God's timing be more perfect??). The first post will be on Jun 25th.

See you then!



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