Sunday, November 20, 2005


Ok...Just got back from my 9 mile run. It was SO hard waking up this morning for some reason. 6:30am on a Sunday. I was SO tempted to stay in my warm bed and sleep until whenever. But, at 7am I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to Bezerkely to run with my training team.

Today was a serious chafing day on my foot. I see the start of a blister. I suppose I'll go to REI today and pick up some 'second skin' to avoid any more issues, especially while I'm travelling in Italy. I'd hate to have to worry about that while I'm over there. Plus, it'll be a good 10 days to allow the foot to heal.

The left knee started to hurt again around mile 6. Yeah, I know. I'll set up an appt with my doc for sure when I get back. I seriously do not want to do our 14 mile run without checking with him first.

More on this on my training blog and half marathon participant url.

Regarding 'Ack' much to do today before I leave. My ride arrives at 6:30am, so I probably won't sleep. Maybe a quick nap this afternoon, but then some serious packing is going on today.

More later...


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