Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just "Run Cuz You Want To"

I am getting desperate to reach my fundraising goal of $3,000 for my half marathon.

Ok, not *that* desperate - sheeesh. But, I *am* to the point where now I've tapped out the generosity of my friends and extended network. I'm still shy of my goal by $1,100 and I'm starting to realize that this is the point where I need to start putting some concerted effort into soliciting contributions via other means besides friends and family. I'm hoping they will be means of a legitimate nature, although desperation can cause us to do many things that we normally wouldn't consider, so donate please!

A fellow blogger said not to worry about the fundraising and to just 'run cuz you want to'.

Ok, Sir Water of the Evian Natural Spring Clan. I'll heed your sage, Dr. Phil-like words of wisdom and do just that. I'll do that along with your suggested ritual of protein and cool protein bars. Ummm...on second thought, I think I'll also add a bit of prayer in there just for kicks. :P

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
- Matthew 6:27 (NIV)


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