Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hand Update

Tuesday I had another doctor's appointment. I was SO glad to finally get the darn cast off of my hand. I hit my peak frustration around day 7 and was just tired of dealing with that thing.

My doctor says the hand seems to be healing well and you could certainly see that the swelling had gone down. In fact, that kind of explains why I thought the cast started to feel a bit loose towards the end of the last two weeks. It didn't occur to me that it was due to the swelling. I thought it was just because I had been trying so desperately to slip that cast off of my hand! LOL! Yes, the truth comes out!!

The doctor says the thumb looks like it's healing well, so he opted to put me into a removeable cast for another two weeks. See? The velcro strip on the back of the hand comes off and I just slip that thing off. Yay!

I still have to wear it as much as I can and then I get rechecked in another two weeks. I can tell
the thumb is still quite weak. It doesn't bend all the way down yet (think sign language, signing the letter 'b'), and if I put a little bit of pressure in the direction away from the hand on it, I can still feel some pain.

All in all, he never mentioned surgery and I never asked about it, so I think all is ok for now. :-)

Keep sending those healing thoughts!



At 8:55 PM, Blogger Alexys Fairfield said...

Okay, this is getting ridiculous now. I just had the thought to log on and ask about your hand and my anwer awaited me before I was able to ask?

God sure has BIG ears!

Glad to see that your hand is looking and feeling better. Continuing to send healing thoughts, but of course you already KNOW that!

P.S. Love the acronym generator. How cool is that? Take care.

At 9:32 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Oh my! When I read your comment I just laughed so hard! :-)

I don't know...what is one supposed to do during "ethereal" times in life like this??

God is speaking big time! I'm trying to write down the latest and greatest about this.

Stay tuned!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Alexys Fairfield said...


I thought yesterday was an strange day, but nooooooo!

This morning I found a comment on my blog from another blogger. You may be interested too.

At 11:12 AM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...


BTW, I do like using "syncronicity" instead of "coincidence". It's a much better word that explains all the craziness going on! :-)

At 4:08 PM, Blogger 4texans said...

Sounds like you are on the mend. Glad you have a removeable cast now, should make life easier for you...

At 5:46 PM, Blogger b said...



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