Still On A High

I'm still on a high after Thursday's 14-mile run. :-) I was sore for a couple of days after it, but it was a great feeling! I still can't believe I've accomplished so much in such a short amount of time!
Today I missed the run at Berkeley due to a mishap with the alarm clock. Our long run this week is *only* 8 miles. Who would have thought I'd ever be saying *only 8 miles* less than 4 months ago?? Ha ha!! Gotta love it!! :-)
I have tomorrow off (MLK Day), so I can make it up then. I might run at Coyote Hills along the bay, or maybe the marina in San Leandro. I'm not sure yet. We'll see how I feel in the morning. I can't believe Miami is less than 2 weeks away! I am still just in awe of everything so far. My itinerary is set and official. I've RSVP'd for the pre-run pasta party, and just yesterday I received my official runner's singlet (coolmax jersey with official SF Aids Marathon logo on it). This is way cool!!
This week I'll be asking my manager for the time off, and then it's just a matter of keeping up with the maintenance runs until the big day!! Yay!!
Thanks for everyone's wonderful support. Donations are still coming in and I'm so, so, SO grateful for your help, emotional and financial support, and your generosity!
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