Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You All Would Be Proud

Ya'all would be proud at all the progress I've made!

I am pretty much done packing - yay! I just need to finish up work, then pack away the laptop to bring with me and then I'm all set.

Lunch is cooking (yah, did I tell you how much I love working from home?) so now all I need to do is finish up the little things - throw out the trash, tidy up around the house. I'm gonna give my houseplants one last watering and administer them their last rites because I never know if my roommates will actually remember to take care of them while I'm away. The last couple of trips I went on I came back to a plant full of brown leaves and I was worried that I was too late to nurse it back to health. But, my lovely Euphorbia is doing well. O, how I love thee! It is quite heart-y. Ha ha...I'm such a poet. :-P It really does put nice a smile on my face. :-)

It's funny when I think about the things we all nurture and take care of. Some of us go crazy if our gadgets are fussed with and others, their pets. I don't particularly have a huge attachment to my plant but, if anything, it just serves as a funny reminder that it has lasted me through many bfs and it has definitey been a constant in all the places I've moved to in the past years.

Anyhoo...lunch awaits. Write more in a bit.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger b said...

Have a safe trip! Check in while you're away and tell us how you're doing. I hope it goes better than expected.


At 10:03 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

Yah, you're a definitely a gadget and doo-hickey type of guy. Be careful, 'tho...all those emissions coming from said items...well...won't go there.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...


I made it to my destination, but it wasn't hiccup free. Will post about it.

Thanks so much for the well wishes. I will still be blogging while on vacation, so no worries! :-)


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