Saturday, December 17, 2005

Another Pic - From Inside the Vatican

Felt like posting another pic before I head to bed.
Pretty cool, huh?


At 9:00 AM, Blogger An Enlightened Fellow said...

Did you take this photo? It's quite good. :)

At 12:06 AM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

It's a good pic, ain't it?

I wish I could say I have a 'good eye', but digital cameras can make the worse photographers look like professionals! :-P

At 7:42 AM, Blogger An Enlightened Fellow said...

Well, digital cameras may make it easier to take good pics, but I don't think a digital camera teaches composition. The composition here is perfect.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

It is? Hmm...I haven't read much of your blog. Are you a professional photographer?

I think I've always had a natural eye of sorts when it comes to pictures. I might add a photography class to my list of things I'd like to do at some point in my future.

Got any tips or suggestions?

At 10:00 PM, Blogger An Enlightened Fellow said...

I'm not an official professional, but I take better pictures than most pros. I've had a lot of photographic experience. I don't really have any desire to make a living at it though.

I'd definitely recommend a photography class. There's a lot that you can learn in one. However, they'll probably focus on b&w photography and printing your own b&w pics, which is fun, but in an age of digital photography, not very useful. One good thing that you'd get out of a photography class would be a good exposure to the technical aspects of cameras.

There's a whole lot to think about in photography, and if you get to a point where you're thinking about those things automatically, you'll be able to take much better pictures than the point-and-shoot photographers that permeate the world.

A good photographic eye is something that some people are born with and some people have to develop over time. I'm basing this on one picture, but I'd say you've got a good eye.

Actually, what I'd recommend over a class, if you're a self-motivated person, would be to buy a recent book that covers general photographic techniques (and has plenty of color photographs as examples) and read through that. Then you can go out and look for opportunities to practice those techniques. Barnes and Noble or some equivalent book store should have some good books.

What camera do you use?

Anyway, that about sums up my tips and suggestions. Probably more information than you wanted, but maybe it will be helpful.


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