Wednesday, January 18, 2006

You've Been Meme'd

I was very surprised at how quickly this meme spread through the blog world. Within a matter of days most of the blogs I read on a daily basis had this as a post in some form or fashion. And believe me, I sit at a computer all day long so I read plenty of blogs.

The first couple of memes I saw I thought, 'eh'. I likened it to an email chain letter and shrugged it off as "blog spam". Then it started appearing everywhere. I read a few and thought it was interesting to know more about the people behind the blog, and soon I found myself wondering when I'd get 'tagged' to post one of my own. And like I said, the meme spread quicker than a wild fire and within hours I found myself being tagged.

So here is my meme. I'm supposed to tag 5 people to post their own, but I'd rather not list names because 1) I don't want you to feel obligated to do so, and 2) I don't want you to feel guilty if you decline the tag. SO, feel free to tag yourself for me if you should choose to post your own meme. And if you do, drop me a line and let me know so I can take a gander.

Love ya,
Rambling Muse


5 Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life
* Lab monitor/computer assistant for my college computer lab
- Yeah, I know what you crazy kids were *really* researching when term papers were due
* Housekeeping for my college's conference and guest services
- Hospital corners and white glove tests, I fear not!
* News reporter for my college paper
- I loved working the features beat and writing human interest stories. Hard news was easy but kind of boring to follow.
* Research assistant with the USDA's department of genetics
- Sounds fancy schmancy, huh? I had aspirations of being a genetic engineer and finding the cure for cancer. *sigh* I can still do that, can't I?
* Research assistant with the USDA's department of entomology
- Yeah, what was I thinking? I fed and played with bugs all day long. It was gross. Waaay gross.

5 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
* The Sound of Music
* Shawshank Redemption
* Forrest Gump
* Breakfast at Tiffany's
* Big Fish

5 Places You’ve Lived
* G. Hall
* Y. Hall
* P. Street
* S.C. Hall
* S. Street

5 TV Shows You Love To Watch
* The Apprentice (Gotta love The Donald!)
* The Office (If you work, you can relate.)
* My Name is Earl (Funny!)
* Seinfeld (No comment necessary!)
* Three Wishes (Makes me cry every time!)

5 Places You’ve Been On Vacation
* Hong Kong
* China
* Ireland
* Italy
* Germany

5 Websites You Visit Daily
* Yahoo
* RBC Ministries
* Blogger
* Crosswalk
* All my favorite blogs tied for this spot. :-)

5 Of Your Favorite Foods
* Grilled steak & grilled veggies
* French vanilla ice cream & fresh cut strawberries
* Tomatoes
* Prosciutto with melon or tomatoes
* Green beans, pork, and cured bean curd. It's an Asian thing. :-P

5 Places You’d Rather Be
* Sailing the Greek Isles
* Safari in Africa
* Exploring Pyramids in Egypt
* Sledging or Tumbling in Australia
* Spending time with my nieces and nephew

5 Albums You Can’t Live Without
* Billy Joel's Greatest Hits
* Waking Hour and Warm Strangers, Vienna Teng
* So Far So Good, Bryan Adams
* August And Everything After, Counting Crows
* Wide Open Spaces, Dixie Chicks


At 8:00 AM, Blogger b said...

I'm going to see Billy Joel tonight in concert :O)

Fun to read about you, as always.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...

OMIGOSH!! Can I come? PLeeeeaaase????

He rocks! this date #3? Hmmm...? :-P

At 1:52 PM, Blogger b said...

Unfortunately, this is not date #3. I'm taking Melanie for her b-day, because he's her favorite. Date #3 is supposed to be next Tuesday (he's with his son this weekend, and I have widow group monday) but he just emailed me saying there's a good chance he'll be in Minnesota next week for work :O(
The good news is I'm disappointed. So I must really like him!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Mrs. G.F. said...

What is the TV show Three wishes about? I have never heard about it.

I liked all your trips...

B- you haven't said anything about date #3 on your blog!

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I'm always amazed by the diversity of people's answers.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...


Tell your sis 'happy bday'!!

And do tell how the concert goes! How fun!

Bummer about NB...but anticipation of the next date can be fun, too.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger ramblingmuse said...


"Three Wishes" is Amy Grant's new show. She and her team go to small towns across America and grant people in the community their wishes.

Every show is SO heartwarming. It used to be on Friday nights ('tho they've been changing the lineups here and there) and it makes me cry like a baby. It's very cathartic and SO inspiring!It's a good way to end a long week and never fails to give me warm fuzzies. :-)

Check out:

At 8:17 PM, Blogger b said...

Mel isn't my sister, she's my best friend. Er, I mean she's my other best friend. My sister posts with numerous names, but her real name is Rebecca.


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